Use "was laid before him|be laid before him" in a sentence

1. I laid the matter squarely before him.

2. 9 I laid the matter squarely before him.

3. She laid her case of destitution before him in a very moving letter.

4. Her novel was first laid before Chinese readers.

5. Finally, the sick, palsied man was laid before Jesus.

6. The fare laid before Botha last night was hardly epicurean.

7. The charge was laid before the chief magistrate, a Nigerian.

8. A vast expanse of rice fields was laid out before us.

9. 17 They laid violent hands on him.

10. 30 They laid violent hands on him.

11. Mary wrapped Him in cloth and laid Him in a manger.

12. The bandits laid for him in the dark.

13. The nominating committee laid its slate before the board.

14. Before the foundation is laid, land must be acquired and plans drawn up.

15. She laid the evidence on the table Before me

16. She wrapped him in soft cloths and laid him gently in a manger.

17. Does he like you to be laid-back with him or very focused on him and very enthusiastic?

18. His proposal has been laid before the board of directors.

19. It was there before him, around him, everywhere , illimitable, immeasurable.

20. Callao was laid out in 1858, a year before the railroad was extended to that point

21. He was too equable to fret over the demands that were laid on him.

22. I was before him in the queue.

23. Bow down before Him, Love adore Him.

24. They starved to death with the sumptuous feast laid out before them.

25. The disenchantment affects all workers, even before they are ever laid off.

26. Upon finding and greeting Saul, Ananias laid his hands on him.

27. Mating takes place before this diapause, but the eggs are laid after.

28. You have laid eyes upon distorted reflection of the man before you.

29. They laid the blame on the serf and beat him brutally.

30. Before long, half the country was against him.

31. Bow Down Before Him, Love and adore Him.

32. The gazelle laid down next to Rama, giving him his own life.

33. (Genesis 2:16, 17) He laid before Adam the consequences of his actions.

34. It appears that before the rig or any other structure can be set up, special foundations must be laid.

35. After spitting on his eyes,+ he laid his hands on him and asked him: “Do you see anything?”

36. Nine days they lamented him; then they laid him on a lofty pyre and set fire to it.

37. I've seen him somewhere before.

38. Rostov gazed vacantly and listened to what was passing before him and around him.

39. Now King Ahab was far behind him, and the open road lay before him.

40. He rushed into the midst of the hooligans and laid about him fearlessly.

41. Further , while referring to the duties of a king in the course of a trial , it is laid down that he should be careful about the evidence adduced before him by the parties .

42. h) The adulterer was silent before making a confession or before the testimony against him was given

43. Did you shoot him before or after you untied him?

44. Before dinner, John, who was so laid-back he made the trees seem neurotic, offered us a yoga lesson.

45. 7 I heard about him long before I saw him.

46. They laid five more minefields off the Dutch coast before the end of the month.

47. * Mary gave birth to Jesus and laid him in a manger, Luke 2:7.

48. I should varnish him before autumn.

49. Before him I may think aloud.

50. Finish him before he gets clear.

51. That you were under his spell from the second you laid eyes on him.

52. Before the materials arrived, a small advance team prepared the site and laid the foundation.

53. One of Edward's early nannies often abused him by pinching him before he was due to be presented to his parents.

54. She'd distrusted him from afar, for some time, even before leaving London, before ever setting eyes on him.

55. 15 She wanted to abase herself before the strong man, to be low and humble before him.

56. She laid into him with her usual invective as soon as he opened the door.

57. Before putting him into the cooking pot he was thoroughly inspected .

58. Before him was a great brown stone Amidmost of his path

59. He was a prince of thieves before his father exiled him.

60. My life was very hectic but empty before I met him.

61. Even when he laid his hand on him gently, he did not uncover his face.

62. So they seized him and laid him in Bilboes all that night till the morning, when they carried him and the basket, as it was, to the King and reported the case.

63. An abrupt descent suddenly appeared before him.

64. The Emperor's subjects bowed down before him.

65. He had a strenuous day before him.

66. As before the table was laid out for tea, but instead of bread and butter there were toasted muffins oozing butter.

67. Then another, brighter vista opens before him.

68. She recognised him from the night before .

69. I saw him the day before yesterday.

70. I tried to make him clean up before putting him to bed.

71. The door before him shook violently and something made him back away.

72. It was a thankless job, so we choked him off before long.

73. Eggs are laid and the tadpoles grow rapidly as they must reach metamorphosis before the water evaporates.

74. He was grilled for two hours before the police let him go.

75. Throughout the land, gullible 13-year-olds would gasp in awe at the revelations laid before them.

76. She had laid siege to the typists' room for some minutes before Marshall had persuaded her downstairs.

77. Had you known him long... before you posed for him... the first time?

78. 2 Now the open road lay before him.

79. And the wage he pays is before him.’”

80. Come in before him with a joyful cry.”